What Is A Mandibular Advancement Device?
What is a mandibular advancement device? This is a question that will likely be asked by many people dealing with sleep disordered breathing including sleep apnea, snoring, and UARS [...]
What is a mandibular advancement device? This is a question that will likely be asked by many people dealing with sleep disordered breathing including sleep apnea, snoring, and UARS [...]
Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome (also known as UARS) is a sleep disordered breathing condition similar to obstructive sleep apnea. It’s definitely less well-known than obstructive sleep apnea, but working [...]
The Mallampati Score system is something I use in my myofunctional therapy practice on a daily basis when I’m evaluating patients. It’s an easy way for me to assess [...]
Mouth taping at night has become a very popular topic lately, but it’s also still controversial. A lot of people wonder why anyone would tape their mouth while they [...]
Sleep apnea used to be seen as a condition that affected older men, and the only way to deal with it was to wear an uncomfortable CPAP machine every [...]